
Archived Articles

Ups and Downs In Brownsville, Texas

If you had a chance to watch SpaceX’s test of a Starship prototype (dubbed SN5) last night, then you know you saw the company making history -- again. During the trial, the

SpaceX Mission Accomplished=Good Day

Yesterday was a good day--two American astronauts returned safely to the Earth in an American capsule manufactured by SpaceX. The launch and return of those astronauts was just a test. NASA's

DARPA: Removing Single Points of Failure

,“Such a system would remove single points of failure both in space and on the ground.” That sentence is from a ,,recent article covering the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s (DARPA) Blackjack

Quo Vadis, India? And a Kiwi Space Company

These two analyses look at space happenings in India and New Zealand. India, in particular, has been a terrific space foil to China’s space activities. While the U.S. has voiced concerns