DARPA: Removing Single Points of Failure

,“Such a system would remove single points of failure both in space and on the ground.” That sentence is from a ,,recent article covering the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s (DARPA) Blackjack

Quo Vadis, India? And a Kiwi Space Company

These two analyses look at space happenings in India and New Zealand. India, in particular, has been a terrific space foil to China’s space activities. While the U.S. has voiced concerns

Applications that Use Space Infrastructures

A reader floated a suggestion my way regarding a question posed (What is the “lingua franca” that should be used?) at the end of “,,The Challenge for Space Startups:” Could the missing link

The Challenge for Space Startups

In ",,Space Startup Observations," I tried to make sense of the new space startups tie-in with Silicon Valley startups. In that analysis, I established that space startups, while they might speak

Space Startup Observations

In the world of “new space,” a person can become confused about what’s real, what’s progress, or what’s even a viable business in the space industry. More confusing is understanding