Two weeks ago, I posted “Commercial Space-based EO/RS Sector Growth--Potential to Help with Government Emergency and Response.” Within that analysis, I talked about commercial companies’ growth and their Earth observation (EO) and
A long title, I know. As a reminder, I’ll be taking next week off for the Thanksgiving holiday. Unless something happens that’s truly astonishing, please don’t expect any writing next
The successful Commercial Crew launch of Resilience that SpaceX conducted yesterday was surrounded by the typical, if hard-won and deserved, praise for the company. There was also praise for NASA’s programs that
Ah crap! Numbers are hard. Trump, as we all know, was sworn in January 2017. So, yes, sorry about that. All the other numbers are correct (double-checked). And the point remains--the U.S.
According to these latest two articles (one possibly piggy-backing off the other), the United States is lagging far behind China in launches and satellite deployments in 2020. At least that’s what I