The Cake is a Lie: Europe’s Ariane 6 Delays Nov 3, 2022 6 min read Archive ArianeGroup, ESA, and the EU need more sense of urgency to help Europe gain its space sovereignty. So where is the promised cake?
Indian Launch Industry: OneWeb Provides a Big Hint Oct 27, 2022 5 min read Archive Maybe NSIL’s launch of OneWeb’s satellites points to a future in which both companies can update their Peanuts wardrobes?
The Moat in DoD’s Eye: Starlink, DIU, and Innovation Oct 20, 2022 7 min read Archive The DoD’s DIU believes a Starlink is preventing innovation (in this case, DIU’s network plans) using proprietary means. Maybe its perspective of innovation needs revisiting?
Russian Positioning, Navigation, and Timing: GLONASS and Mexico Oct 13, 2022 5 min read Newsletter GLONASS is Russia’s military PNT system. So why is the Mexican government interested in helping it out?
Phantom Space: Running with the Crowd? Oct 6, 2022 5 min read Archive Is there anything new and compelling with Phantom Space? Unfortunately, the company’s reasons for existing show a distinct lack of pure imagination.